Have your finances outpaced your ability to organize them easily? Are you feeling lost with taxes now that you are self-employed or getting RSUs from work? Are you unsure where all the money you make goes each month? Know you need to start investing but overwhelmed by all the options?
Then I’m glad you’re here, we can fix that together 🙂
When you work with me, you get personalized, one-on-one financial guidance. That means no more sifting through heaps of personal finances articles, stressing about what you’re missing. You get a financial professional who can answer your burning questions – including the ones you didn’t think to ask.
To work with me, there are two options: ongoing financial planning, or the four-month Launch program. Whichever option you choose, you’ll get the financial help you need in a supportive, non-judgmental setting.
So, are you ready to get your sh*t together? Let’s get started on your path to financial empowerment! Learn more about both options below.
Ongoing financial planning is exactly what it sounds like: financial guidance on the regular. Life changes constantly – the same goes for your finances. With ongoing financial planning, you’ll get recommendations based on your unique financial situation. We’ll meet every quarter to keep your financial plans fresh, and I’m here to help you get things done.
Here’s the process:
After signing on, we’ll have two meetings in the first month. These meetings help determine what your financial priorities are.
- The first meeting is an organizational meeting to go over your financial resources and goals.
- The second meeting is a cash flow meeting to assess money coming in, money going out, and discuss savings and budgeting strategies.
From there, we’ll meet every quarter. A typical schedule looks like this:
- January – set goals for the year
- May – tax filing review, cash flow planning
- July – goals check-in, investments review
- October – year-end tax planning, open enrollment decisions
During these meetings, we’ll also work on the priorities we outlined together on our first two calls. We’ll cover things estate planning, insurance needs, and equity compensation decisions. We’ll update your financial plan as your life changes and keep in touch with legislation and tax updates.
If you have questions between meetings, I’m here for you. You can email me anytime with questions. If something bigger comes up, we can have an impromptu meeting.
Pricing:Â Ongoing financial planning is $5,400 a year. The fee is billed monthly ($450 per month). Credit card and ACH are accepted.
The following optional services are available to ongoing financial planning clients at an additional fee:
- Investment management services at a rate of 0.25% of the investment account annually (billed quarterly). There are no account minimums.
- Tax preparation services, fee dependent on complexity.
Ready to see how ongoing financial planning will change your life? Book a free introductory call now!
For Washington state clients only:
The above-noted fees do not apply to Washington clients. For clients based in Washington state, ongoing comprehensive financial planning consists of an upfront charge based upon our hourly rate of $300. Follow-up services and meetings will also be tied to our hourly rate of $300. The upfront portion of the fee is for client onboarding, data gathering, and the development and delivery of the financial plan. This work on the initial financial plan will commence immediately and will be completed within the first 120 days of the engagement. Therefore, the upfront portion of the fee will not be prepaid 6 months or more in advance of rendering the service. If no work is provided to the client or the work that is provided does not meet the required hourly threshold, the amount due will be reduced according to the work that was completed, and any unearned, prepaid fee will be refunded to the client.
Once the plan has been delivered to the client, we will continue to monitor the plan and will schedule additional meetings with the client as needed. The quarterly fee will be due in arrears, upon receipt of an itemized invoice disclosing the work completed and time spent over the previous quarter, tied to our hourly rate of $300, and payment is due promptly upon receipt of the invoice. The client will receive an invoice disclosing how the fee was calculated (number of and length of meetings, any additional financial plan research and documentation, as well as other agreed-upon work that was completed following the meeting) and the time period that the fee covers. The fee is negotiable in certain cases. Fees for this service are paid by electronic funds transfer. This service may be terminated with 30 days’ notice. In the event of termination of any agreement, any prepaid but unearned fee will be prorated and refunded to the client and any completed deliverables of the project will be provided to the client. The client will be billed for any earned but unpaid fees for work completed up to the date of termination.
For fees paid by electronic funds transfer, we use an independent third-party payment processor in which the client can securely input their banking information and pay their fee. We do not have access to the client’s banking information at any time. The client will use their own secure portal to make payments.
The four-month Launch program is a sped-up, condensed version of ongoing financial planning. It’s meant for people just getting started in tech work or s*x work and want to start out strong. It’s also great option for people who feel like they can do it mostly on their own but want a fresh (and professional) set of eyes on their finances.
No matter where you’re starting from, you’ll leave with clear goals, a detailed action plan, and the drive to take charge of your finances.
The Launch Program Process:
We’ll have four meetings over four months, covering the following topics:
- Meeting One: Organization and goals
- Meeting Two: Cash flow and taxes
- Meeting Three: Investments and insurance
- Meeting Four: Go over your action plan
Here’s what you can expect from each meeting:
Meeting One: We’ll go over all your financial information that you’ve collected (don’t worry, my planning software makes this a breeze). We’ll look at all your numbers –Â your investments, bank accounts, credit cards, insurance – all the money stuff. If this is a little scary to you, I feel you. This all happens in a safe space – no judgment.
Meeting Two: Cash flow is where the magic happens. We’ll walk through what’s coming in the door and what’s going out. Together we’ll build a strong budget so you can save for the future while still having fun today. We’ll also review a tax projection for the year so you can plan ahead. Whether you’re a tech worker with stock options or an online creator with inconsistent income, we’ll cover your tax situation together.
Meeting Three: What’s the difference between a bond and a stock? Should you invest your money in 401(k) or a Roth? How do you start investing? We’ll break down the basics of investing and pinpoint the best strategies to reach your goals. We’ll also cover how to protect your assets, including insurance coverage.
Meeting Four: This is where it all comes together. You’ll get your personalized plan, including recommendations & action steps. We’ll walk through your long-term cash flow projection so you can visualize where your hard work will take you.
During each meeting, you’ll have plenty of time to ask questions and share what’s on your mind. In between calls, I’m here for you too.
Pricing: The Launch program is $3,600, with 50% due at signing and 50% due upon completion. Credit card and ACH are accepted.
What if you need help after we’re done? Depending on what you need, we can work together on a limited engagement or you can sign up for ongoing financial planning. Limited engagement pricing will be based on the topics covered.
Love what you’re hearing? Book a free introductory call now and let’s get started!
For Washington state clients only: